Third Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS'04)

(Tuesday, 13 July 2004 - University of Turku, Finland - colocated with ICALP 2004 / LICS 2004)

New Program (last update july 8)

9:30 Type preorders and recursive terms
F. Alessi, M. Dezani-Ciancaglini  
10:00 Intersection and union types in the lambda-mu-mu~-calculus
D. J. Dougherty, S. Ghilezan 2,  P. Lescanne
10:30 Coffee break
Invited Talk:  Expansion: Connecting Intersection Types,  Type Inference, Principal Typings, Interactions Nets.
Joe Wells
12:00 Programming Examples Needing Polymorphic Recursion
J. Hallett, A, Kfoury
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Toward an Intersection-Typed System à la Church
L. Liquori, S. Ronchi della Rocca
14:30 On type inference in the intersection type discipline
G. Boudol,  P. Zimmer
15:00 Intersection and Union Types for X
S. van Bakel
15:30 Sequence Types for the pi-calculus
S. Maffeis
16:00 Coffee break
16:30 Intersection Types for Light Affine Lambda Calculus
D. de Carvalho
17:00 Lazy strong normalization
L. Paolini, E. Pimentel, S. Ronchi della Rocca
17:30 End of Workshop